Youtube release No One Knows – 4-2-24✨

Youtube release No One Knows✨
Tomorrow at 12.00h😊

Here are a few shots from our day in the studio! As you can see, we didn’t just look dead serious the whole day😜😁 (if you swipe, you will find some focused moments thoughπŸ€“πŸ˜Ž)

One of the collaborations I enjoyed very much was with the photographer Karen van Gilst. She is amazing, be sure to check out her work as well πŸ™Œ

Tomorrow No One Knows will be on Youtube, set a reminder through this link!

No One Knows – video release
February 4th 2024 – 12.00h

Pau Li Liem
Harmen Fraanje
Pascal Vermeer

ZenneZ Records

This project is made possible with the support of Makersfonds Tilburg🀍

#nooneknows #firstsingle #videoclip #newmusic #debutalbum #pauliliem #harmenfraanje #pascalvermeer #albumrelease #zennezrecords #makersfondstilburg #March15th2024