No One Knows✨ Unboxing of my very first album!!! Cover reveal🤩

No One Knows✨

Unboxing of my very first album!!! And a (blurry) cover reveal🤩
No other explanation needed – this is me struggling to open boxes and being very happy that the cd’s are actually real and here😱

You can buy them next week at the concert already, don’t miss it! 😉

February 28th 2024 – album presentation at Paradox Tilburg
with Harmen Fraanje, Pascal Vermeer, Teis Semey & Marijn van de Ven🤍
Info & tickets

March 15th 2024 – album release No One Knows✨

ZenneZ Records

#unboxing #cdsarehere! #releaseconcert #February28th2024 #nooneknows #paradoxtilburg #newmusic #debutalbum #pauliliem #harmenfraanje #pascalvermeer #teissemey #marijnvandeven #albumrelease #zennezrecords #makersfondstilburg #March15th2024