Aaaaaah I can barely believe it, but I got nominated for an Edison Jazz Award in the category Newcomer!!!🤩🤩🤩It’s so amazing to be nominated, a big thank you to the jury and of course to everyone who worked on this album with me❤️❤️❤️
John Weijers ZenneZ RecordsHarmen Fraanje , Pascal Vermeer, Marijn Van de Ven & Teis Semey ✨✨✨Studio 150 Bethlehemkerk , Joeri Saal, Peter Brussee, YANi, Karen van Gilst , Claudia Hansen
Congratulations to the amazing nominees @ronnydecarlo & @_alipayne 🤗🔥🥳
Aaah I’m so excited, okay I’m done now, byeeee have a nice day😁☺️ xxx
(translation of the jury report below)
#edisonjazz #nomination #debutalbum #nooneknows #pauliliem #harmenfraanje #pascalvermeer #teissemey #marijnvandeven #zennezrecords #makersfondstilburg

The jury sais (translation from Dutch):
Composer, vocalist, and pianist Pau Li Liem tells an authentic story with her album No One Knows, in which she is constantly seeking a balance between light and darkness. Her all-star band, including Harmen Fraanje and Teis Semey, supports her delicate, subtle vocalizations and personal, often socially engaged songs. Her remarkable debut album showcases an exciting, narrative interplay of distinct musical personalities.